Monday, February 15, 2010

A Schedule of Events 2

As a wedding planner, I am often asked about the toasting order at receptions. While we know that the rules of toasting are not "carved in stone", there are some traditions which make the process simpler and less confusing for everyone. Traditionally the best man makes the first toast to the bride and groom. This is done anytime after the receiving line has ended and everybody has been served a glass of champagne or whatever beverage is being served. Next, the groom thanks the best man and proposes a toast to his bride and both sets of parents. The bride might then thank her husband. Family friends, relatives and anyone else who wishes may then toast the newlyweds.

Here are some other hints that make toasting easier

  • The person being toasted NEVER raises the glass or drinks from it during the toast itself. It is fine to take a sip after everyone else has done so.

  • If you are in a position where you may be asked to propose a toast , be sure to have a few short appropriate toasts memorized.

  • Don't mix your toast with another message. It can be confusing and too long.

Happy Planning,


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