Thursday, December 31, 2009


I Want It Perfect!! We have been assisting brides with wedding plans for many years. And we have never been disappointed with the ceremonies and receptions that we have seen, planned and attended. In addition to all of our ideas and helpful plans, we think one of of our most valuable gifts to our brides is this piece of advice. Enjoy your wedding day and everything that happens that day, but do remember that while everything may be perfect, don't think of this as the BEST day of our life. This one will have been wonderful, memorable, charming, exciting, elegant or spectacular - the list of adjectives is long - but don't expect FLAWLESS or think it is the best. Go through life believing that the best is yet to come - because it is. You will have a lifetime of days that you will consider "perfect". Your wedding day will be a wonderful day, a deeply moving and remarkable day. It will be a fabulous party and an elegant event that guests will long remember and talk about. But it won't be the only perfect day in your life nor will it be the only best day of your life. It will be a happy day - one in a series of special moments yet to come in your life. As one recent MOB said "It was a great party. It was the perfect wedding. But was it the best day of the bride's life? No. There are even better days ahead for her." We agree with this mother. Don't look for perfection and don't get thrown off kilter if something unexpected happens. It will!

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